East African cuisine | Wikipedia audio article

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East African cuisine

00:00:29 1 Central Africa
00:01:52 1.1 Countries
00:02:19 2 East Africa
00:06:59 3 North Africa
00:09:01 4 Southern Africa
00:13:36 4.1 Countries
00:13:55 5 West Africa
00:17:39 5.1 Countries
00:18:21 6 See also

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"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing."
- Socrates

Traditionally, the various cuisines of Africa use a combination of locally available fruits, cereal grains and vegetables, as well as milk and meat products, and do not usually have food imported. In some parts of the continent, the traditional diet features an abundance of milk, curd and whey products.Central Africa, East Africa, the Horn of Africa, North Africa, Southern Africa and West Africa each have distinctive dishes, preparation techniques, and consumption mores.
North African Food
east african cuisine, african cuisine, african culture
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