The Most Fertile Ethnic Group in The World - The Yoruba People of Nigeria | Africa in 30 Seconds

According to - The Yorubas are said to have sprung from Lamurudu one of the kings of Mecca whose offspring were:—Oduduwa, the ancestor of the Yorubas, the Kings of Gogobiri and of the Kukawa, two tribes in the Hausa country. The language of the Yorubas, known as Yoruba, belongs to the Congo-Kordofanian language family. The Yoruba homeland is located in west Africa, with most Yoruba living in Nigeria with some scattered in Togo,Benin and worldwide. The Yoruba are one of the largest ethnic groups in Africa.The Yoruba are a very sociable and expressive people who commemorate major events with colorful festivals and celebrations.As many as 20 percent of the Yoruba still practice the traditional religion of their ancestors. A large number of modern Yoruba also combine traditional Yoruba beliefs with modern day religions such as Islam and Christianity.The Yoruba women are the most fertile as they present the highest rate of twin births in the world. This may be because of high consumption of a specific type of yam containing a natural phytoestrogen which may stimulate the ovaries to release an egg from each side. This is Africa in 30 seconds. Subscribe. And see you again tomorrow.

The Most Fertile Ethnic Group in The World - The Yoruba People of Nigeria | Africa in 30 Seconds.

Rakghana | Yoruba | Nigeria | Ooni of Ife | Most Fertile Ethnic Group | African Culture | African People | African History | African Tradition | Africa in 30 Seconds | Yoruba Kingdom | Yoruba Empire | Yoruba Nation

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North African Food
Most Fertile Ethnic Group in The World, yoruba people of nigeria, yoruba
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