Top 10 Most Common and Traditional Food of Oman

Delicious Cuisine of Oman That You Must Experience

With influences from Indian, Persian, North African and Mediterranean cuisines, Omani food is a delicious fusion of spices, marinades and herbs. Chicken, lamb and rice are staples here, seasoned with ingredients like saffron, ginger and nutmeg, giving it flavour like no other! Due to its long coastline bordering the Arabian Sea, all kinds of seafood are consumed and the shark is a delicacy!

Food of Oman differs from other food in the Arabian Peninsula, as it is less spicy and seldom served warm. Here is a list of the most delicious and traditional Omani food:
1. Majboos
2. Shuwa
3. Mashuai
4. Mushaltat
5. Dates
6. Shawarma
7. Mishkak
8. Halwa
10. Omani Bread
North African Food
delicious, amazing, top 10
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